
Hello everyone and welcome to AS Media Studies!

We are very excited to be following a new brief this year of an opening sequence to a film genre of your choice. Hope you don't find blogger too annoying everyone masters it in the end and it's how we send all your work to the examiners.

Miss Shuttle and Miss Brookes are always at hand to help so don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck in all your A level choices.


Homework tasks

Hope you all had a lovely half term. Now that you're actively working in groups towards your productions the homeworks will be to complete and reflect on the various taks from your research and planning LAP charts. Make sure that this week you have all uploaded your film idea presentation onto your blogs and reflect on the feedback or on any changes you may need to make. Keep your production diaries up to date and don't forget as soon as a member of your group has completed their assignment you will all need to upload it too.


w/c 26th November - This is the week your first draft of filming is due. You will be assigned an editing computer and a camera and will complete your first two minutes by Christmas.

w/c 19th November - practise storyboard filming, editing, amend plan if changes needed, shooting schedule for the real shoot

21st November - Don't forget to upload your titles analysis, also I'm adding to the individual lap chart that you need to ensure you've looked at a genre different from the one you are making. Please look at the teacher and peer assessment and improve your blogs accordingly. 

Miss Shuttle

Due September 28th
In a film opening sequence of your choice:
  1. What/who is being represented?
  2. How is it being represented?
  3. How is the representation made to seem 'true', 'commonsense' or 'natural'?
  4. Is Dyer or Baudrillard’s theory more appropriate in relation to the opening? Justify, using detailed examples.
  5. What is foregrounded and what is backgrounded? Are there any notable absences?
  6. Whose representation is it? Whose interests does it reflect? How do you know?
  7. How do people make sense of the representation? According to what codes? (Consider Mulvey’s theory and Barthes concept of myth – make reference to both).
  8. Apply the theory of semiotics to the sequence:  i.e. what are the signs and their associated meanings?
  9. Considering semiotics, what as the audience, have you learnt about the overall direction of the film’s representation?
  10. What way do you believe you have ‘received’ the meaning of the film: through preferred, negotiated or oppositional reading? (Hall’s theory) Explain in detail, using supporting textual reference.

Due September 20th: Low budget V high budget institution comparison and analysis completed. Place onto a powerpoint and upload onto the blog.

1)      What are the main institutions used for each of the films? (in terms of production and distribution?)
2)      How much money was used to produce each film? (The budget)
3)      How much money was made from each of the films?
4)      How popular are the institutions used for both the high-budget and low-budget films?
5)      List the differences between the high-budget film and the low-budget film in terms of the institutions.
6)      List any similarities that exist between the high-budget film and the low-budget film in terms of the institutions.
7)      What other films has the production company made? Were these as successful? Why/why not?
8)      What genre of films does the company usually produce? Is this important when considering who could produce your film? Why?
9)      What audiences do each of the institutions aim to appeal to? Is this reflected through their film choice, or does this vary?
10)   Which institution do you feel outperforms the other and could claim to be more successful, considering your research? Explain your reasons.

Due September 17th: Still image analysis written up on photos on blog. Consider genre conventions for given genre.

Due September 12th Analyse in detail one of the openings shown in class - Seven, Austin Powers or Goldfinger. Consider the general conventions of an opening as discussed in class. Update on blogs.

Miss Brookes


Due October 17th
Prezi with evaluation of your preliminary task. The Prezi should include the list of shots you were to include, your chosen genre and how you were going to get that across in your shots, dialogue, costumes and camera style. What went well/even better if with regards to participation in your group, camera, editing and whether you were able to get your genre across. Self Assessment. Prezi should be embedded onto blog and youtube clip included.

Due October 10th
Finished preliminary task uploaded onto youtube and embedded onto blog.

Due September 26th
Your pitches were fantastic and some of the ideas were very well developed. Your next homework is not Levi-Strauss but to upload your presentation ideas and storyboard as well as a reflection from the class and teacher feedback.
Genre - what conventions did you apply that fit this genre
Narrative - Two sentence pitch
Characters - character description and actors if chosen
Setting - where and time period
Target Audience - gender and age / bbfc certificate
Storyboard sheet/ideas - take a photo of plan, images and upload
Producer reaction - what went well and even better if...what have you learnt that you will apply to your foundation production form yours and the other presentations.

Due September 19th
Look at narrative link. Select a film opening of your choice and apply Barthes' 5 narrative codes.
1.  Identify the key actions within the opening - what kinds of actions are included and how is the narrative moved forward?
2.  Identify the enigma codes within the opening - what kinds of questions are posed and how is the audience meant to read these codes?
3.  Identify key characters and think about what they represent in the opening
4. Interpret the cultural codes in the opening.  What kind of knowledge is being drawn on? social/historical/political/art and culture etc.  Highlight the 3 most important references in the opening that help with audience understanding.
5.  Identify key themes and analyse how they are presented visually/technically.

Genre homework due September 12th Choose an opening sequence of your choice and analyse in terms in genre- setting, themes, icons, narrative, characters and any genre specific textual analysis. Put on powerpoint. Create a slideshare account and upload your powerpoint, click embed and copy address, click on html when you upload new post and paste. When you save your presentation should be on your blog. Upload youtube clip this way also.

The last of the theorists!
Applying Todorov's Theory of Equilibrium and Levi-Strauss' Theory of Binary Opposites
Choose one opening sequence from a film that you know well and analyse according to Todorov' theory. You should link your clip to your individual blogs and then post notes on the following:
1. Who are the agents: the protagonist (the main hero who propels the narrative forward) and antagonist (opposing agent).
2. Describe the Equilibrium. How is it represented? What kind of camera shots can you identify? (e.g establishing shots to create a sense of space or use of CUs/cutaways to emphasise particular objects/characters faces). Pick out 2 or 3 examples. Describe the mise-en-scene: what meanings to the props/costumes/lighting/framing carry?
3. Is the Disruption or Disequilibrium introduced or hinted at? (e.g the serial killer in "Seven" is introduced in the title sequence).
4. Are there any visual/verbal/aural clues that hint at what the hero's journey might be? (e.g having to solve the murders within a time-limit of seven days in "Seven")
5. From your knowledge of the film, how will the equilibrium be restored and what will be the new equilibrium?

Choose another opening that you know well and analyse according to Levi-Strauss's theory of binary opposites.  Again, link your film clip and then post answers to the following questions:
1. What is the genre of the film? How are the genre signifiers introduced?
2. Who are the main characters and how are they opposed?
3.What are the main themes of the film and how are they introduced?
4.  How is the narrative organised to show conflict?
YOU MUST illustrate your answers with clips from the sequence.